If all your competitors are trying to get the top spot on Google for the same keywords as you, how does Google decide who should be the top dawg?
Is it random? Or is it just whoever knows the best way to trick Google?
Does it take some kind of programming magic dust?
You know, the magic dust only a geek can figure out while he’s guzzling his 8th can of Red Bull at 3 am, sitting mesmerized in front of a glowing wall of computer screens.
Is that what it takes?
Here’s something that will make you go hhmmm…..
What if you were Google’s vendor?
And you supplied Google with web pages. Let’s say you supply Google with web pages about your product or service.
Wait a minute there Sparky.
Are you saying I have to supply a better web page than my competitors to get to the top of Google?
You mean I have to supply a superior product (web page) or one that Google likes better than my competitors?
No. Say it ain’t so….
Does your web page look any different than the rest of the businesses in your niche?
Do your web pages provide better information than your competition for any keywords?
What do you think Google would want from a preferred vendor?
Want Google to pay you with more top rankings? Better find out what it takes to earn the top spot.
That’s right… I said “EARN” that top spot.
Find out more about getting better search engine rankings for your website with my new book, Website Success. Download the first chapter here: