“Put down that coffee. Coffee’s for closers” – Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross
Have you seen the famous “Always Be Closing” scene in Glengarry Glen Ross?
Alec Baldwin’s character delivers a “sell-or-get-fired” rant to an underperforming sales office.
Jack Lemmon’s character says, “the leads are shit.” Alec Baldwin tells him he’s wrong —
“You close or you hit the bricks.”
As a business owner, you either bring-in the business every month, or you shut the doors.
Complaining about the leads doesn’t help.
If you want more and better leads, you do something about it. Right?
How are your leads?
Are you getting quality leads every week from your website? Is it pulling its’ weight?
Are the leads qualified?
Or are they “shit?”
Your website can deliver more new customers to you every week. Great new customers. Customers like the best customers you have now…
Customers ready to buy.
Customers with spending money in hand.
Customers who WANT your products. Your services. They want it NOW!
These new customers are on the web looking for a business just like yours — right freakin’ now.
If you’re website isn’t filling your email box with new customers…
If people aren’t looking at your website, and picking up their phone and calling you…
What good is it?
Don’t put up with a website that isn’t pulling its’ weight.
Do something about it.
Get the good leads. The ones that close.
If you want a more effective website, download the first chapter of our new book, Website Success. Here’s the link: